Wireless Networks Security

Wireless Networks Security

We should ensure that data is encrypted in the wireless medium as it's easy for someone
to sniff the traffic to get some sensitive data so it's a harder medium to be more secure
but, a very important thing to consider.

Wireless Security Standards

ceaser cipher : every character is replaced with the character 3 positions before.

Encryption Methods:

1. WEP

Wire Equivalent privacy Protocol(IEEE 802.11 standard)

  • Encryption: RC-4 algorithm
  • key length= 104 bit
  • static key

2. WPA

WIFI Protected Access

  • was a trial to solve WEP issues
  • Encryption: RC-4 algorithm

  • key PSK Pre-Shared key

  • Data integrity: TKIP (temporal key integrity protocol) ensures that no attacker changed packets crossed from AP to the client.

  • key changes with every packet

WEP + WPA = same HW

3. WPA2


  • Encryption: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) requires more CPU

  • key PSK Pre-Shared key

  • Data integrity: CCMP (Counter Cipher Mode Protocol) more secure and harder to break.

Wireless Threats and Attacks

Eavesdropping (Sniffing)

  • Using any packet sniffer tool any attack can sniff your wireless traffic searching for sensitive data.
  • As a security admin you should do "auditing traffic" to hide sensitive data before being known by the attacker

Spoofing (masquerading)

  • Changing identity by (changing mac/IP addresses) (using applications) (know network password)

Denial of Service (DoS)

prevent authorized users from accessing network, resource using radio signals - using vulnerability (default settings) solution: latest firmware - response strategy - non-default setting

Rogue Access Point

AP is working in the network without knowing the security admin about it, and may be put in by some users for some good coverage or by attackers to do bad stuff. dangerously is represented in 2 no password no encryption so it's for the attacker to do whatever he wants solution : IDS + scanning

Wireless Design Considerations

Wireless Signal

covered well (strong signal )in the building and under control + no signal outside the company building.

Access point security

  • SSID is hidden
  • Access point filtering like ACL
    write what you want to permit or deny
    permit or deny - src mac - src IP - src port - dest mac - dest IP dest port
  • Encryption WPA2 (which uses AES cipher)

separates between wireless and wired network

-Putting a firewall to determine whether traffic can access from/to the wired section.